Open Enrollment
The Berkshire Local School District will permit the enrollment of students from any other Ohio school district. Students wishing to enroll in the Berkshire Local School District may do so in accordance of policies and regulations adopted by the Berkshire Board of Education as pertaining to Policy 5113 Inter-District Open Enrollment.
Applications for Inter-District Open Enrollment must be submitted to the Board of Education office no later than September 1. One application must be submitted for each student that is applying for open enrollment.
Proof of residency is required to be submitted yearly. Approved documents that will be accepted for residency are a current lease/purchase agreement signed by all parties, utility bill (i.e., electric, gas, phone), mortgage document, or property tax statement. Application forms will be placed on hold until current proof of residency is received.
Parents who wish their student(s) to continue to attend schools within the Berkshire Local School District must reapply annually. There is no guarantee enrollment will be granted each year.
Inter-district enrollment limits may be set by grade level or on a course-by-course basis; no inter-district application will be permitted if the enrollment of the grade level being requested exceeds appropriate limits as determined by the superintendent.
All approved open enrollments are in effect for the current school year only.
Applicants will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis (date/time of receipt) with an assurance that resident students will not be displaced. The following order for placement will be followed:
• Students who have parents who are employees in the District
• Students previously enrolled in the District (priority status deadline: March 29)
• New student applicant
Transportation for open enrolled students shall be the sole responsibility of their parents/guardians.
Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) rules will govern all athletic eligibility decisions. For additional information, contact the Athletic Director, Brian Hiscox, at
Instances of truancy and/or misbehavior will be handled according to the Berkshire Local School Districts’ policies and procedures. Recommendations for discontinuing a student’s placement would be recommended by the Principal to the Superintendent who will render the final decision.
Open enrollment applications will be accepted until September 1, 2025.
Click Open Enrollment Application Form 2025-2026 School Year to access the application form