Menus and Meal Prices: Click here to access the lunch menu.
Meals At No Cost Has Ended: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) waiver which allowed the district to serve meals at no cost during the past two school years has ended effective the last day of the 2021-22 school year. Families must pay for school breakfast and lunch meals during the 2022-23 school year. Funds may be deposited through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal at any time. If you feel you would qualify for meal assistance, please fill out a free or reduced price meal application through your IC Parent Portal beginning July 1, 2022. If your child was previously approved for free or reduced price meals during the 2021-22 school year, the benefits carry over for the first 30 days of the 2022-23 school year. You must reapply for the benefits to continue during the 2022-23 school year.
Breakfast & Lunch Prices: Menus are planned to ensure that the USDA requirements are met or exceeded. A lunch meal consists of five components: protein, fruit, vegetable, grain, and milk. A breakfast meal consists of a protein or grain, fruit, and milk. Please see the links on the District’s website for the breakfast and lunch menus. A student may refuse certain items, but must take a fruit or vegetable. The full price is still charged even if a student declines certain parts of the meal.
Student Lunch Prices:
Elementary |
Middle/High School |
Lunch: $3.25 |
Lunch: $3.55 |
Breakfast: $2.25 |
Breakfast: $2.25 |
Menus are planned to ensure that the USDA requirements are met or exceeded. A lunch meal consists of five components: protein, fruit, vegetable, grain, and milk. A breakfast meal consists of a protein or grain, fruit, and milk. A student may refuse certain items, but must take a fruit or vegetable. If the minimum components are not chosen by the student, then a la carte pricing applies.
For questions regarding Nutrition Services, menu items, or your Infinite Campus account, please contact the Supervisor of Nutrition Services at 440-834-3380 x3312 or email